Synth. Obs.: Analytic disk

We create synthetic observations for the Magritte model of the analytic spiral that was created in the this example.


Import the required functionalty.

import magritte.core     as magritte   # Core functionality
import magritte.plot     as plot       # Plotting
import    as tools      # Save fits
import os

from astropy import units              # Unit conversions

Define a working directory (you will have to change this). We assume here that the scripts of the this example have already been executed and go back to that working directory.

wdir = "/lhome/thomasc/Magritte-examples/Analytic_disk/"

Define file names.

model_file = os.path.join(wdir, 'model_analytic_disk.hdf5')   # Analytic spiral Magritte model

Load the Magritte model.

model = magritte.Model(model_file)

  Reading Model...
 model file = /lhome/thomasc/Magritte-examples/Analytic_disk/model_analytic_disk.hdf5
Reading parameters...
Reading points...
Reading rays...
Reading boundary...
Reading chemistry...
Reading species...
Reading thermodynamics...
Reading temperature...
Reading turbulence...
Reading lines...
Reading lineProducingSpecies...
Reading linedata...
read num 0
read sym CO
nlev = 41
nrad = 1
Reading collisionPartner...
Reading collisionPartner...
Reading quadrature...
Reading radiation...
Reading frequencies...
Not using scattering!

  Model read, parameters:
  npoints    = 114051
  nrays      = 2
  nboundary  = 3000
  nfreqs     = 51
  nspecs     = 3
  nlspecs    = 1
  nlines     = 1
  nquads     = 51

Model the medium

Initialize the model by setting up a spectral discretisation, computing the inverse line widths and initializing the level populations with their LTE values.

model.compute_spectral_discretisation ()
model.compute_inverse_line_widths     ()
model.compute_LTE_level_populations   ()
Computing spectral discretisation...
Computing inverse line widths...
Computing LTE level populations...

In this example we will work with the LTE level populations and do not demand statistical equilibrium.

# Iterate level populations until statistical equilibrium
# model.compute_level_populations_sparse (True, 20)

Make synthetic observations

Now we can make synthetic observations of the model.

fcen = model.lines.lineProducingSpecies[0].linedata.frequency[0]
vpix = 1.0e+3   # velocity pixel size [m/s]
dd   = vpix * (model.parameters.nfreqs()-1)/2 / magritte.CC
fmin = fcen - fcen*dd
fmax = fcen + fcen*dd

# Ray orthogonal to image plane
ray_nr = 0

model.compute_spectral_discretisation (fmin, fmax)#bins the frequency spectrum [fmin, fmax] into model.parameters.nfreqs bins.
# model.compute_spectral_discretisation (fmin, fmax, 31)#bins using the specified amount of frequency bins (31). Can be any integer >=1

model.compute_image_new               (ray_nr, 512, 512)#using a resolution of 512x512 for the image.
#Instead of definining a ray index [0, nrays-1], you can also define a ray direction for the imager
#model.compute_image_new              (rx, ry, rz, 512, 512)#in which (rx, ry, rz) is the (normalized) ray direction
Computing spectral discretisation...
Computing image new...

Plot observations

Plot the resulting channel maps with matplotlib. Note that the resolutions do not match, as we here plot a zoomed in version.

    image_nr =  -1,
    zoom     = 1.3,
    npix_x   = 256,
    npix_y   = 256,
    x_unit   =,
    v_unit   = / units.s)
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 51/51 [00:23<00:00,  2.21it/s]
<function magritte.plot.image_mpl.<locals>.<lambda>(v)>

(The plot is only interactive in a live notebook.)

Save the image cube in a fits file.

Written file to: /lhome/thomasc/Magritte-examples/Analytic_disk/images/image.fits

(Optional: To create your own plots) Overview of data stored in the Image object

import numpy as np
xdir = np.array(model.images[-1].image_direction_x)#directions of the x-and y-vectors of the image
ydir = np.array(model.images[-1].image_direction_y)
zdir = np.array(model.images[-1].image_direction_z)#this is direction in which we observe the object
print("image directions: ", xdir, ydir, zdir)
nfreqs = np.array(model.images[-1].nfreqs) #number of frequency bins
freqs = np.array(model.images[-1].freqs) #frequency bins [Hz]
print("# of frequencies: ", nfreqs, " frequencies :", freqs)
ImX = np.array(model.images[-1].ImX)#X position in image [m]
ImY = np.array(model.images[-1].ImY)#Y position in image [m]
I = np.array(model.images[-1].I)#Intensity at the corresponding ImX, ImY position [W/(m^2*Hz*sr)], at a given frequency bin
# print("Intensities :", I, " ImX:", ImX, "ImY:", ImY) #prints a lot of output
image directions:  [ 0. -1.  0.] [ 0.  0. -1.] [1. 0. 0.]
# of frequencies:  51  frequencies : [1.15261589e+11 1.15261974e+11 1.15262358e+11 1.15262743e+11
 1.15263127e+11 1.15263512e+11 1.15263896e+11 1.15264281e+11
 1.15264665e+11 1.15265050e+11 1.15265434e+11 1.15265819e+11
 1.15266203e+11 1.15266588e+11 1.15266972e+11 1.15267357e+11
 1.15267741e+11 1.15268126e+11 1.15268510e+11 1.15268895e+11
 1.15269279e+11 1.15269664e+11 1.15270048e+11 1.15270433e+11
 1.15270817e+11 1.15271202e+11 1.15271586e+11 1.15271971e+11
 1.15272355e+11 1.15272740e+11 1.15273124e+11 1.15273509e+11
 1.15273893e+11 1.15274278e+11 1.15274662e+11 1.15275047e+11
 1.15275431e+11 1.15275816e+11 1.15276200e+11 1.15276585e+11
 1.15276969e+11 1.15277354e+11 1.15277738e+11 1.15278123e+11
 1.15278507e+11 1.15278892e+11 1.15279276e+11 1.15279661e+11
 1.15280045e+11 1.15280430e+11 1.15280814e+11]
[ ]: